Official Launch Of The 2nd Malaysia International Film Festival (Miffest)  And Malaysia Golden Global Awards (Mgga)

KUALA LUMPUR, 27 July 2017 – The 2nd Malaysia International Film Festival (MIFFest) and Malaysia Golden Global Awards 2018 (MGGA) has officially launched and held its press conference today at PNS Auditorium Tun Rahah.

Following the success of an audience over 100,000 people earlier this year, the much-awaited 2nd MIFFest will return from 25th February 2018 till 2nd March 2018, while MGGA is set on 3rd March 2018. The festival is supported by National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS), Tourism Malaysia and several renowned film associations in Malaysia. Director Rizal Halim, actor Peter Davis, veteran actress Dato Lai Meng, and actress Lenna Lim also graced the press conference with their presence. These two major events provide an international platform for film cooperation and communication. Simultaneously, they promote the Malaysian entertainment industry by sharing its diverse development of local films, art and cultural offerings to the world.

The 2nd edition of MIFFest and MGGA unveiled its official poster during the press conference in the presence of the managing director MIFFest and MGGA, Joanne Goh. Similar to the festival’s concept, the official poster was created to represent 2 faces of humanity, which are ‘Hope’ and ‘Despair’. The festival hopes to educate the public on how to handle moments of extreme loss and despair, to find a glimmer of light through films. In addition, the poster design uses the iconic symbol of Petronas Twin Towers to highlight Malaysia and make a statement. Goh proudly said “We can stand tall with pride among other nations in representing our unique culture, so let’s not be hidden any longer!”.

Well-known Malaysian singer-actress, Ms. SinJe Lee remains as the MIFFest and MGGA ambassador for two consecutive years. Due to her highly acclaimed celebrity status, her support is the perfect embellishment to the events. Lee is a well-known international celebrity which leads her image is instantly recognizable in the local communities. Lee described it as “A great honour to be part of MIFFest and MGGA”.

The 2nd MGGA is also calling for film entries worldwide. Only feature-length films with different genres are accepted. The juries are searching for heartwarming films that breaks boundaries and touches the soul. The online applications will commence on 1st August 2017 onwards and only submissions via website are eligible to enter the ‘Malaysia Golden Global Awards Competition’ category.

The organizer also took the chance to thank the sponsors who are showing their support to the festival. Luxury watch brand Jaeger LeCoultre, who had showed tremendous support in first edition, once again comes on board as our Official Timepiece this year. Representatives of Jaeger LeCoultre, Gaurora Joaillerie (Presenter), Scoop de Pool (Main Sponsor) and Rocket Entertainment (Supporting Media) were invited on stage to have a photograph session.
“MIFFest and MGGA aims to make significant contribution to excavate and support the rising power of Asian cinema. We hope to attract more international filmmakers to look into our locally-produced films as it could enhance the understanding and expose the wonderful cultures of Malaysia,” Goh further added. She went on saying, “I aspires to bring Malaysian films to the international audience and to gain exposure from overseas”.

Kindly visit our official websites at and for more information. Please don’t hesitate to email us at for any queries.

By |2017-08-08T21:45:49+08:00August 8th, 2017|News - Miffest 2018, News – MGGA 2018|Comments Off on Official Launch Of The 2nd Malaysia International Film Festival (Miffest)  And Malaysia Golden Global Awards (Mgga)

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(吉隆坡 27日讯)第二届马来西亚国际电影节及金環奖于星期四下午2时在PNS Auditorium Tun Rahah举办了一场发布会。马来西亚国际电影节与金環奖的宗旨是为全球电影人打造一个交流平台,以推动本地电影制作人走向世界为职志,也为大马电影业开拓更为广阔的国际空间。
续第一届马来西亚国际电影节与金環奖成功举办后,第二届马来西亚国际电影节将于 2018年 2月 25日至 3月 2日展开,而金環奖颁奖典礼则于2018 年 3 月 3 日盛重举办。超过 100,000 名观众期待的年度盛事正式开跑,大马著名导演Rizal Halim先生, 卓越演员 Peter Davis, 拿督黎桂润和年轻演员林家冰拨冗出席,为今天的活动锦上添花,更加声色不少。 今年马来西亚国际电影节及金環奖仍获得国家电影发展局(FINAS),马来西亚旅游促进局(Tourism Malaysia)及多个本地电影协会鼎力支持,相信来临的盛会必定能够大放异彩。

色彩与黑白 – 海报设计概念


主办单位在发布会上公开答谢所有的赞助商的鼎力支持。名表品牌 – 积家(Jaeger LeCoultre)也会继续成为第二届马来西亚国际电影节与金環奖的指定手表品牌。除了积家,当天也邀请到荣誉呈现Gaurora Joaillerie,主要赞助商Scoop de Pool与媒体合作伙伴Rocket Entertainment的代表上台拍照。

马来西亚国际电影节与金環奖主席吴佩玲表示:“马来西亚国际电影节与金環奖是一个让全球电影人汇聚一堂的平台,让电影人有个交流的机会。希望可以透过电影提升及推广马来西亚的艺术与文化,并增进我国的旅游业发展。”她也透露,电影节与金環奖将会大力推广及鼓励大马创作,进而得到更多人关注到我国电影业发展的潜能。欲知更多资讯,请浏览 也可电邮至 询问更多详情

By |2017-08-08T21:46:11+08:00August 8th, 2017|新闻– 电影节2018, 新闻– 金環奖2018|Comments Off on 第二届马来西亚国际电影节与金環奖正式掀起大幕

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