
Eric Tsang Won The Best Actor in 1st Malaysia Golden Global Awards

Hong Kong cinema’s biggest names – Anthony Wong and Eric Tsang, Taiwanese starlet Wu Ke Xi and South Korean actor Kwak Do Won were among the big names had set to grace the red carpet ahead of the 1st Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA).

There are total 9 awards were presented at night. The winner Eric Tsang, Dato’ Lai Meng, and Malaysian famous director Bradley Liew has personally come to accept the award. “It is a huge honour that I had won the Best Actor, I don’t think I had the opportunity to stand up here,” said Tsang. “A comedian for almost his whole life, he shines on this heart wrenching father figure. We see the journey of a strong man with a strong heart. “The juries panel commented.

Besides that, Malaysian director who stayed in Philippines had won the Best Film. When his first feature film “Singing in Graveyards” had become the first “Best Film” in Malaysia Golden Global Awards, Liew has showed his excitement, “the film is well directed, writen, perform amd filmed by the most promising young film director in a risk taking subject full of humor and laconism.” one of the juries said. “This is should be awarded to my grandpa,” “I am not Madame Bovary” directed by Feng Xiaogang awarded as “Best cinematography” while “Best new director” has go to Bu Jun Feng, the director of “Apprentice”.

90 years old Malaysian actor Dato’ Lai Meng was the spotlight at the awards night. When Dato’ Lai Meng was awarded the “Lifetime Achievements Award”, all of the audience has stood up and applause to show respect to Dato’ Lai Meng. She also revealed that the current is being prepared by Wang Kaixuan directed autobiographical film, and called: “I hope you support the dawn!

Mr. Maxence Kinget, Managing Director South-East Asia & Oceania at Jaeger-LeCoultre, awarded the Reverso Grande Taille to the director of the Best Film: Director/Producer Bradley Liew accepted the award for Singing in Graveyards. On its case-back of the Reverso watch carried a personalized special lacquered engraving hand-crafted by Jaeger-LeCoultre artisans with the logo of the Malaysia Golden Global Awards. The engraving, revealing the unique charm of Jaeger-LeCoultre’s iconic Reverso watch, was to commemorate and encourage the efforts made by the Best Film.

Jaeger-LeCoultre has long-established relations with the film industry. The brand has been the official partner of the various film festivals around the world, such as the Venice International Film Festival, Shanghai Film Festival and many other prominent festival. Jaeger-LeCoultre’s support with the Malaysia International Film Festival further cements both organizations’ roles within the film community.


By |2017-07-31T21:15:33+08:00March 13th, 2017|News - MGGA 2017|Comments Off on Eric Tsang Won The Best Actor in 1st Malaysia Golden Global Awards

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马来西亚金環奖颁奖典礼于前日晚上八点在云顶云星剧场隆重举行。本大会非常感谢所有给予 踊跃支持的来宾与媒体朋友们。本大会非常荣幸能够邀请到许多国际与本地的电影明星与导演 来到金環奖的现场。香港演艺圈的前辈级演员曾志伟、杨怡、吴卓羲、叶藴仪、黄秋生、金燕玲、导演张同祖、德国导演 Andreas Dresen、中国导演李杨、本地的演员梁祖仪、张顺源、 童冰玉、吴天瑜以及李承運等人也来到了现场支持第一届的马来西亚金環奖颁奖典礼并参与红

续红地毯仪式后,嘉宾与媒体朋友们纷纷进入会场并欣赏由 Sheila Majid 所带来的开场表演。她在台上演唱了三首她的成名曲,观众们也看得津津有味。Sheila Majid 的表演结束后,两位幽默风趣的专业主持人叶剑峰以及哈利伊斯甘达以搞笑的对话方式把现场的气氛给炒热了起来,观众们都看的不亦乐乎。此外,由大马著名电子小提琴家刘凯彦所带来的小提琴表演更是让观众看得目不转睛。马来西亚国宝级的歌王品冠则演唱了 3 首歌曲,其中包括了原唱田馥甄所演唱的小幸运。Shilla Amzah 也为大家高歌演唱了一首 Let It Go。


最佳新晋导演 : 《徒刑 – 巫俊峰》 最佳编剧 : 《我是布莱克 – Paul Laverty》 最佳摄影 : 《我不是潘金莲 – Pan Luo》 最佳导演 : 《Ma’ Rosa – Brillant Mendoza》 最佳女演员 : 《Toni Erdmann -Sandra Huller》 最佳男演员 : 《一念无名 – 曾志伟》 最佳影片 : 《Singing in Graveyards》 终身成就奖 : 拿督黎桂润 观众票选奖 : 《Hema Hema: Sing Me A Song While I Wait》

香港资深的前辈级男演员曾志伟于第一届马来西亚金環奖颁奖典礼中荣获了最佳男演员奖,获得了现场所有观众的热烈欢呼。他在台上表示非常荣幸并且讶异自己能够获得第一届马来西亚金環奖的最佳男主角。荣获了最佳影片奖项的廖忠權本地导演也发表了得奖感言:“非常感谢主办当局让我有机会已马来西亚导演的名义获得此奖项。五年前我离开了马来西亚到国外发展,今天能够再次站在这里真的非常高兴。” 评审团对此发表了评论:”电影 Singing in Graveyards 不仅故事剧情写的好,拍摄角度的专业更是无可否认的。” 而马来西亚金環奖的特别奖项 – 终身成就奖非资深的国宝级演员拿督黎明姨莫属。黎明姨力挺马来西亚国际电影节及金環奖颁奖 典礼,连上台领奖时也不忘了呼吁大家多多支持马来西亚国际电影节及金環奖。电影《赫马赫 马 :等待成一首歌》则以多票观众投选而荣获了观众票选奖。

马来西亚国际电影节及金環奖的手表赞助商代表 Maxence Kinget 先生也上台将名表 – Grande Maison iconic Reverso 赠送给获得了最佳影片奖的廖忠權导演。赠送此名表不仅是为了给予导演的支持与鼓励,更是 勉励他为马来西亚的电影节所带来的荣誉。

By |2017-07-31T21:15:33+08:00March 13th, 2017|新闻– 金環奖2017|Comments Off on 曾志伟在金環奖中获得了最佳演员奖 The Best Actor

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